Become a Member

Joining SPE

We welcome applications from potential new SPE members. All SPE members must meet the SPE Membership Criteria:

Criteria for Membership

SPE members are proud of the standards of the products that they manufacture and sell. For this reason, a criteria for membership exists to maintain and enhance the reputation of SPE members. SPE welcomes new membership applications from companies fulfilling the criteria below:

  • Must be engaged in the manufacture and distribution of sports equipment primarily within the education and leisure industries.
  • Must be registered in the UK.
  • Must be VAT registered.
  • Must normally be trading for at least one year.
  • All members must adhere to a strict Code of Practice that ensures quality of products and reliability in service. A Mediation Panel exists under the Code of Practice to ensure that the expectations of the customers of the Sports & Physical Education (PE) Association UK are met and to mediate between them.
  • All applicants must be supported by the members of the Sports & Physical Education (PE) Association UK of at least twelve months standing.
  • All members must provide evidence of employers’ liability and public liability insurance cover (minimum £2 million).

How to join the Sports and Physical Education Association

Complete the following online form for an application pack.

Registration Form

Please check the box below to confirm you have read our Privacy Policy.

  • SportsPE
    c/o FSPA | The Farmhouse | Hobb Lane | Uttoxeter | ST14 8RQ
A national trade body representing play, sports and golf associations, the FSPA serves over 500 manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors of sports and play equipment, clothing and apparel.